Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Melbourne Shuffle what.. What.. WHAT?!

.::. Melbourne Shuffle .:. What is it?  What does this mean!

The Melbourne Shuffle... a dance, a style, a passion.
Melbourne Shuffle is a dance where you use both, hands and feet to create different styles of shuffling.  
Shuffling is what is called when you want to dance in Melbourne Shuffle terms.  
This dance mainly focuses on the hands and feet because you need you're feet to glide on the floor and using your hands to show upper body creativity.

This dance was created in Australia and is slowly moving and growing throughout the states and countries all around the world.  This dance was created in the 90's where people developed a slide called, "Shuffle" although shuffling now is completely different and used in clubs, rave parties, and just wherever you are!

There's so many things that's involved with shuffling and I'd love to list down a few of them!  From crews to the music to the styles and even to the clothing!

Firstly, Crews!
Crews were developed back in 2007 where the first main known crew, "HSK" was born in Australia (Hardstyle Klowns).  Crews are a bunch of people that have great dedication towards this dance and battles with other crews and even make new friends.  Crews usually dance on the street, and other well-known places where you see many tourists for example. City of Chicago.  Crews have been such a big part of the Shuffling community because it provides more fun for the dance and style, and as I said before, you make many, many new friends and see different styles.

A few known crews are... 
HSK [Hardstyle Klowns]
HSA [Hardstyle Addicts]
HSJ [Hardstyle Jokers]
BC [Bass Captives]
SDF [Shuffle Dance Freedom]
HR [Hardstyle Republic]
BR [Bass Rockers]
RBK [Reverse Bass Krew]
THV [The Hardstyle Virus]
HG [HardGen]

[ A few videos of crews ] (HSK) (HSA) (HSJ)

Moving on, Music & Shoes.
Shoes and especially the music are huge parts of the Melbourne shuffle because you need great music with hard bass to shuffle to and you need nice clean shoes with a good sole.  Starting off with music, you can't shuffle to any ordinary music, there's mainly two choices: Hardstyle and Hardtrance.  The reason why you need these two kinds of music is because every time you wanna stomp on the bass (Stomping = releasing your foot) you have to be precise and on beat.  If you're not on-beat then the shuffle wouldn't look good or make sense, and this also relies to any kind of dance, you always gotta be on-beat.  Hardstyle music mainly focuses on the bass and it's a powerful kind of bass, thus why you want to be on-beat and it'll all look great.  Anyway, moving onto the shoes.  Shoes are a huge deal in part of the shuffle because you can't use you're everyday kinda shoe.  There's many different types of shoes you can use, but most shufflers own either Converse or Pumas because the when the sole of the shoe gets worn out, it makes it easier to slide and shuffle and do many other things.  I've heard that those shoes are very, very great and I own both shoes and the community was right, it's possibly the best.

Oh my, the clothing?!
Furthermore, the clothing of the Melbourne Shuffle. 
The clothing in shuffling isn't something you'd wear everyday to class and or / outside.  The pants that most shuffler uses are called, "Phats" which are thick clothing, most are jean type, and having wild colors and crazy designs.  A few name brands of this kind of clothing are called, MOS, Heatwave, and another which I can't remember at the moment.  As for the upper-body shufflers tend to wear hoodies with there crew name on it or a few types of Shuffle party names, etc: PHD/MOS/Bubble.

In addition, we must talk about the styles!
In Shuffling, you can't call someone "bad" or "terrible" because everybody has they're own style and dance with what there comfortable with.  There's always controversly with this because there's always people that want to say "HAHAHA I'M BETTER THAN YOU!"  and then the other person fights back and there's just chaos.  Although that only happens with people who aren't very good in shuffling, but the top-tier shufflers don't act like that.  They're just mature and that's the way you should be and act.

And lastly, shuffle parties, or clubs as you may call it.
Usually located in Australia, these clubs are a shufflers dream.  Many shufflers attend these places with they're Phats on and the hoodie of the club name or the crew name.  The reason why these clubs are for shufflers and just the every-day club head is because they blast the best music for shuffling, which is Hardstyle.  Most known clubs, which are mainly located in Australia are:

Defqon. 1

Here's my inspiration and idol that made me practice this dance every single day and makes me want to become one of the best in Australia.  This shuffler is named, "MIKKI!"

Well guys, there it is, MY explanation about the Melbourne shuffle.  I posted the information that would help you learn about more in the long run.  And to answer all of your questions, I will probably shuffle and bring my phats, hood, and hat to school NEXT YEAR because I want to loose weight so I can shuffle a bit fast and show my very best.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome explanation, Russi! It was very educational. I myself am very interested in the Melbourne Shuffle, it sounds fun! And from the way you talk about it I can definitely tell that it is your passion.

    I can also understand that it's a lifestyle choice. Just as anything would be if you were that devoted to it. Now, what would be great is to see a video of YOU shuffling. No pressure however.

    Good luck to you and your endevors! I'll be looking for you in the future with your mad shuffling skills~
